Hello there, any potential visitors to this website. I'd like to thank you for taking time out of your considerably long yet remarkably short life to check out my music! This website will contain all of my show announcements as I make them and all of my recorded music and videos as I release them, and will overall be the primary place to get information on my musical career. However, for most up-to-date announcements, as well as interaction with me, add me as a friend on Facebook or follow me on Twitter or Instagram, both with the clever username: @ryankiolbassa
​I will include links below this to those social media outlets that I find perpetuate narcissism, but I have accounts on anyway because I am an artist, and we are narcissists by nature.
In all sincerity though, I am just looking to spread my word through art and music and I will appreciate anyone who listens to what I put out or interacts with me online, or WAY better yet, in person! Thanks in advance for your support.

​~Rya​n Kiolbassa​
Add me on Facebook
Username: ryankiolbassa